It is inspiring and heart-warming to know that there are organisations which empowers people to change their lives is truly embedded in your philosophy and programmes. This has clearly been demonstrated in one of our patients. The patient arrived at the clinic depressed and exhibiting all the symptoms of long-term stress. Three months later they returned to the clinic for a follow up and the change in them was unbelievable.  The patient's eyes were brighter, some weight had been shed and vitals had stabilized. When I asked what brought about this remarkable change - they explained that had completed a programme at SEED and it was so inspiring - it had changed their life completely! The depression had lifted and they were excited about life, talking about the plans that they had started putting in place in their life through the skills acquired at SEED." Dr Wendy Ericksen-Pereira Faculty of Community and Health Sciences  University of the Western Cape  


Meet our Mitchells Plain team

Back left to right:

Abona Magaba (Facilitator); Logie Soobramoney (Director); Mila Gcaza (Facilitator); Latasha Voigt (Admin); Gail Bailey (Nursery); Lauren Dreyer (Facilitator); Marlin Theunissen (Security)

Front left to right:

Lance Witbooi (Gardener); Ashraf Sirkhoth (Gardener)

History of SEED

Since 1998, seed has been active growing the green army.